Monuments men are looking for Rodin's female thinker

A rumor is spread across the planet that Auguste Rodin not only sculpted The Thinker as a male but also as a female.

The portraying of woman as thinkers in ancient time is not very common. The more astonishing is the information that scientist found in an old archive of a closed down monastery. It seems that Auguste Rodin sculpted two different versions of The Thinker. The portrait of the nude male figure of over life-size sitting on a rock with his chin resting on one hand as though deep in thought is well known to everyone. There are several castings of the figure like the one in Philadelphia.

The scientists now have found indications that Auguste Rodin also sculpted a female version of The Thinker. According to an old manuscript this version has three heads instead of one. It is as if Rodin already was familiar with the tale of the two brains.


It is quite remarkable that no other referrals are found to this sculpture although monuments men are looking everywhere. It is assumed that an alpha men society was not willing to accept such a portrait and wiped out all traces of its existence. In past times men decided about the right to be forgotten. Apparently this was easier in the pre-Google area then in contemporary times.

Unfortunately women’s representation in Fortune 500 leadership positions has stagnated in recent years. Economist wonder whether the growing role of women is subject to some kind of Kodratiev wave. They are however not yet able to define the exact amplitude and intervals.

One could wonder whether the complexity of modern society does not provide the ideal nutrient for the resurrection and reappraisal of the female thinker. Perhaps an international contest can be organized to recreate the sculpture of Rodin.

Meanwhile one can still find a shield like this in a modern city.

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